Be Fruitful
This prophetic word given by Pastor Mark Roberson will help you to develop the image of fruitfulness inside of you that prevails. Regardless of what the world may be experiencing, God wants us to be fruitful and rise above the storm. God want’s us to go through a transformation to be fruitful. Have faith in God’s transformation for your life.We Need To Make God' Word Our World
Elder Jason DePoy teaches that were are able to frame our world by the Words of God. Why are you struggling with things that God has ordained for your life. God wants you to pay attention to His words, so that you can finish this year strong! Lord, Let your word be to me according to thy will!Developing A Passion For God
Pastor Mark teaches, if you're developing a passion for God, you're developing this intense strong desire to hunger and thirst after God. This hunger and thirst that you're developing is overpowering, so no devil from hell can beat it out of you with a baseball bat! This hunger and thirst is enthusiastic so you don't need any outside or external stimuli to make you excited about hungering and thirsting after God.Trusting In the Plan Of God
Your Spiritual Hunger Positions You For More of the Favor of God
The Resurrection Power Gives Hope In Dark Places
The Power of The Cross
Many believers today are living as if the Cross did not make any difference! The Cross speaks of relationship, restoration, redemption, reconciliation, and reigning! The purpose of this teaching series is to build your faith through the revelation of the Cross. The revelation of the Cross was revealed to the Apostle Paul. The Cross is not an event; it's a lifestyle!Renewing Your Mind for Multiplication!
No More Toil & Toleration; Expect Multiplication!
Forgiveness Is A Choice And Not A Feeling
Let God Love You
My Expectation Is For Restoration
Don't back off from believing the Word of God because of challenges, conflicts, or contradicting circumstances that's taking place in your life. God wants to restore you!
SERMON SERIESK Lombardo2022-07-25T00:01:10-04:00